
Write Views and News

Blog First Anniversary
29\ March\2010

Like today, one-year back, on March 29, 2009, I started blogging here. Now, one year later, I am happy to have all these readers from all over the world. Thousands of readers visited my blog from 107 countries from the six continents, until today Monday.

United States come at the top of those countries in terms of the number of readers and regularity of the visits. Almost everyday, there have been readers from US since I started blogging, according to the counter on the blog.

Yemen, my country, comes at the second after US, while United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Saudi Arabia, France, Egypt and United Arab Emirates come respectively after Yemen.

On the first anniversary of my blog, I have all pleasure and honor to thank my readers everywhere for encouraging me by their interests in my blog's contents

I would like also to call them all to write their views, news, ideas and suggestions in the new window, which was added today on the first anniversary. The new window is (Write Views and News)

A new more window was added (Activities in Photos) to show some of the pictured activities inside and outside Yemen.

On the first anniversary also, a new link was added under the title (Articles). By clicking on this, you will find opinion articles mainly about Yemen written by western, Arab and Yemeni writers.


  1. Hi Nasser - congratulations on your blog - it is a really valuable source of impartial information on Yemen. Keep up the great work and many thanks.

    Best wishes, Philip

  2. Dear Nasser
    I know we have not been in touch for a while. However, I recently came across your blog. I like it and I have been coming back to it now and then. Keep up the good work. Its journalism in its impartial and professional form. Thank you. A.Magaleh

  3. Naseer I a Yemeni American that keenly follows the events in Yemen. I love Yemen and wish it develops and joins the the nations of the World as a democratic nation that recognizes the interst of its people. Unfortunately, I do not see any positive development as long as the religious extemeist lead by the Islah are the decion makers.

